Create a Band Name Generator Using Python

Tucker Clinton
2 min readFeb 2, 2021


Python will be required for this project. If you don’t have python currently installed, follow the link below for more information on how to install it. You will need Homebrew to install for a Mac OS and Chocolatey for Windows OS.

After installation, verify the version that you have installed

$ python3 —- version
Python 3.7.6

Now let’s get started on the name generator. Create a greeting for the name generator so that the user knows what program they are using.

print("Welcome to the Band Name Generator")

We’ll want to ask the user for inputs that will combine to create their band name. Create “city”, “food_name”, and “kicker” variables so that we can use the user’s input values in our code later on. Start a new line after each prompt for input by adding “\n”.

#Ask the user for the city that they grew up in.
city = input("What's name of the city you grew up in?\n")
#Ask the user for the name of their favorite food.
food_name = input("What's your favorite food or drink?\n")
#Ask the user for an obscure occupation
kicker = input("Name a random object, substance, or animal\n")

Combine the 3 variables to create the band name. We’ll add a space in between each variable by including + “ “ between each one.

#Combine the name of their city, food, and object and show them their band name.
print(“Your band name could be “ + city + “ “ + food_name + “ “ + kicker)

Your final output will look something like below:

$ python3
Welcome to the Band Name Generator
What's name of the city you grew up in?
College Park
What's your favorite food or drink?
Name a random object, substance, or animal
Your band name could be College Park Cheeto Dust

We can adjust the code to ask for different inputs.

Thanks for following along with this project tutorial. I hope you learned something while creating the band name generator. My final code is below.

#!/usr/bin/env python3.7.6
# Python implementation here
#create a greeting
print("Welcome to the Band Name Generator")
#Ask the user for the city that they grew up in.
city = input("What's name of the city you grew up in?\n")
#Ask the user for the name of their favorite food.
food_name = input("What's your favorite food or drink?\n")
#Ask the user for an obscure occupation
kicker = input("Name a random object, substance, or animal\n")
#Combine the name of their city, food, and object and show them their band name.
print("Your band name could be " + city + " " + food_name + " " + kicker)



Tucker Clinton

Working toward a career in cloud engineering. I’ll be documenting some of my progress here!